So many sequels to this game. The biggest
number for a sequel they’ve used for this game is 10. In other words, there are 10 Mario Party games.
There is also a 3Ds Mario party game which do not have a number to it. I have
not played all the sequels, although a few of them. I have played the game on
N64 and GameCube. It is a great game for multiplayer and it also works for
single player. By multiplayer I mean local multiplayer without internet,
because as far as I have seen there is no internet options for GameCube or N64.
The AI is stupid so playing at the hardest difficulty is really easy for all
mini-games that do not depend on chance. If a mini-game is run by chance an AI
on the hardest difficulty will have a big advantage (suspiciously).
An important part of Mario Party consists of playing so called "mini-games". The minigames can be divided into different gametypes. In
each Mario Party game there are 4 players, each player can either be a human or
an AI. There are “4-playe” games where all players battle against one another. “1-vs-3”
games, where 1 player is playing alone against 3 other player who may or may
not be teaming (most often they are a team). There is a crane game for instance
where the lone player may try to grab one of the other players in order to
steal their money. “2-vs-2” games is another type where two teams play a minigame
against each other. Most often when there’s a “2-vs-2” game the screen is split
up into two sections, one left and one right. If you play in solo-mode, there
may be “1-player” games as well.
During the game instance you roll a dice and walk as many
steps as the dice shows. The dice does not seem to be entirely random, so if
you jump at the right time you may influence what number you roll. There are
various spots you can end up on. Some spots are special, some are bad but most
are entirely “normal”. By normal I mean nothing interesting happens. Normal
spots are blue, another “normal” spot is red, but if you land on it you lose a
little bit of money. Players that end up on a blue spot are assigned the blue
color and players that end up on a red spot, the red color. When a turn ends
the players always play some sort of minigame, and the division of colors among
the players helps decide if the minigame is to be “4-player”, “1-vs-3” or a “2-vs2”
game. The game map is like a board; however, this board may change in-between
turns. Players can buy or in other ways retrieve special items. For example,
traps may be used on the board to sabotage for other players. Other special
items may be special dices or teleporters used for swapping location with other
What I liked the most about this game that it was really fun
to play with other people. It is fun as well to play with just the AIs, but the
best scenario is with other people. The game is interesting throughout the game
and by the end there tends to be some sort of cliffhanger of who will win. The
game intensifies by the end by giving the worst standing player extra bonuses
and adding extra risks and other fun stuffs.